Hello, and welcome to GNOMEWATCH.

Here at GNOMEWATCH we are dedicated to ensuring YOUR SAFETY in the presence of - while not malign, still really nosy and rather irritating - GNOMES. Gnomes are (mostly) harmless and (mostly) well-meaning, but there is just something about, say, an open tub of cinnamon butter that your average gnome CAN NOT RESIST having a tread-through and then leaving sticky, greasy, cinnamon-y footprints across your counter, down your kitchen floor, up the bedroom stairs and across your duvet. It’s not their fault - they were BORN THIS WAY.

 PLEASE REMEMBER: gnomes can not help themselves - unless, of course, one is speaking about a freshly-baked plate of brownies. THEN they’ll help themselves - and then they’ll help themselves again. Then they’ll ask you to put on a pot of coffee so they can help themselves to that.

 IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY UNTOWARD GNOME-BEHAVIOUR, please report it to GNOMEWATCH AT ONCE. Please keep in mind that, while we here at GNOMEWATCH will do everything within our earthly power to ameliorate your run-in with the gnomes we can not be held accountable for their behaviour. Seriously, HAVE YOU MET THESE GUYS?? THEY’RE NUTS!

 Are you guys here for the conference?

Regardless, we here at GNOMEWATCH seek to provide you, the end-user with a safe, enjoyable environment for everyone and everyGNOME concerned. Together we will be able to…erm, what are you doing? REALLY? I don’t think I’ve EVER seen ANYONE use a jam-spoon like that before…is that a snail? DID YOU GET HIM DRUNK? CALVADOS?! I bought that for my uncle’s birthday!! IT WASN’T CHEAP!! YOU PUT THAT BACK, you three-inch-tall weirdo!! WOO, YOU LITTLE FREAKS ARE FAST! GET OUT OF MY SATCHEL! What does a gnome want with a half-knit sock?!! GET BACK HERE…!!


...that every 10 minutes A GNOME PEES IN A FLOWERBED? 

...that every 4 out of 5 snails with a drinking problem WERE INFLUENCED BY A GNOME?

...that 80% of all socks that go missing are taken by GNOMES?

Have you seen these gnomes?

If you would like to contribute to GNOMEWATCH's efforts you may wish to join us at GNOMEWATCH HQ, aka. SpillyJane's Group on Ravelry.  This is a (relatively) safe and (relatively) gnome-free (not really) space where gnome enthusiasts can discuss the little f(r)iends.  GNOMEWATCH needs YOU.  Please - join today.

1 comment:

easily distracted said...

I keep watching the gnomes, and they keep saying rude things about my mom! It's a travesty!!