The title pretty much sums it up. It's about 10 million degrees outside today, and I'm no fan of hot, humid weather. I realize, however, that some of you are, and I wish that I could box up my share of this balmy weather and ship it to your door in exchange for one of your nice, cool, rainy afternoons. So in a futile(?) effort to stave off (possibly terminal) ennui, I come bearing a free sock pattern.
The pattern up for grabs this time is
Heart of December, a pretty sock that's both quick and fun to knit.

This sock takes its name from
a song by The Cure and features a leaf and lace motif that is reminiscent of frost (which I, for one, wouldn't mind being reminded of on a day like today.)
Now, here's how the giveaway is going to work: all you have to do is leave a comment below, being sure to include an email address where you can receive the pattern's .pdf file. If you feel uncomfortable posting your email address right here on my blog, send it to spillyjaneknits [at] gmail [dot] com so I can send your copy of the .pdf. Just make sure that you comment or email me
before next Monday, 24 August 2009 at 1 pm EST. As usual, you have my word that I will promptly forget your email addresses and that I will not abuse them in any way. All I want to do is send you lovely peoples a nice sock pattern and that's ok, right?
Now I'd better run and get back to work on a New Something that I'll be sure to show you soon (as soon as there is more if It to See.)
ETA: Wow! I'm so thrilled that so many of you are picking up my sock pattern! The response has been overwhelming! Now, I'm trying to get everyone's copy out to them as soon as possible -- a good number of you should have already received it. BUT, if for some reason you haven't, just give me a little time to try to get them all out! Please keep in mind that I'm just one person sending individual emails to everyone. :) If for some crazy reason a couple of days goes by and you haven't gotten yours yet PLEASE let me know! I'd hate for any of you to miss out on the pattern! Thanks again!