This past Saturday
The Yarn Harlot gave a talk at the (beautiful)
Main Branch of the Detroit Public Library. I was invited to attend as a local designer/vendor, something that I had never done before. I had no idea what to expect, but I kind of figured that there would be other knitters present.
And there were -- lots and lots of knitters. More knitters than I've seen in once place before. I had my table set up (more like piled) with my samples and a selection of my patterns and for the entire 120-odd minutes of the sale I was swamped (in the best way possible) with knitters. I met so many lovely Detroit knitters I could hardly keep track. I was asked to autograph a copy of my
Polska mittens. People wanted to see what socks I was wearing (
Little Pumpkins by
Sabine Ruppert.) Knitters came up to me and happily informed me that they read my blog and have favourited my patterns on
Ravelry. I was slightly light-headed from missing lunch and running on near-pure adrenaline...and then there was
this lady in front of me, telling me I needed to hold her sock so she could take my picture. It was, for me, an amazing moment.
It was, of course, due to all these exciting moments that I was too busy in the course of the afternoon to snap many (any?) pictures. I was knitting happily by the time I realized that The Harlot's (wonderful) talk was nearly finished. I figured that she might not appreciate me snapping (possibly) distracting pictures at that point, so I refrained. I'm hoping that this will merely be the first of times that our paths will cross, so no worries. I may very well get to Kinnear her yet.

All in all, it was an utterly wonderful and totally surreal day. Here's hoping for more like it.