It's official -- The Garden is Bigger than All of Us. The peppers are especially prolific (and photogenic):

Those are Super Chili (
remember them?), Cayenne, Serrano, Jalapeno and Hot Portugal peppers. Someone may have gotten a little bit carried away in the hot pepper section of the garden centre.
There are also all kinds of interesting people to meet out in The-Bigger-than-All-of-Us Garden, such as this Fellow (Lady? I never can tell with bugs):

Hello! You have lovely beady-looking compound eyes, Mr./Ms. Mantis!
In knitting news, progress continues on the
Strawberry socks:

I'll also have you know that we are
mere days away from their pattern release.
Progress has also begun on
Clerkenwell, the new socks for Gentlemen:

I've decided that just about everything looks three times better when it's photographed at
Czehoski. Oh, and I
kinneared Mick there (it was my first time):

What a charming little place...and the fact that it's a mere three doors down from
Romni Wools? You Torontonians really are fortunate.