due to popular demand i come bearing pictures ("finally," i hear some of you sigh) of the Shetland Triangle. these are not the best pictures (actually this first picture is
terrible,) and this is mainly due to my overly excitable and springy circs. still, they give you a general idea of the shawl as it looks right now.

is it a wraith? is it a vampire? is it an uruly shawl that doesn't want to even pretend that it's currently photogenic? well, it's one of the three--you decide. all i know is that i've been neglecting the thing for the past little while (you've heard the excuses before, i know.) excuses or not, i still love this shawl. it's been a long time since i've embarked on a "major" prokject that i've (nearly) seen through to the end that wasn't a pair of mittens or socks. this is also the largest, laciest thing i've ever made, unless you count the relatively undocumented (gotta do something about that)
Dainty Bess scarf.
here's a detail of the lace. i told you that it's curling up like a bowl of ramen noodles! to make matters worse, every time i try to stretch it out to better see the pattern it threatens to slip off the needles. at this point i don't even want to joke about that.

finally, as a sort of apology--to whom i'm still not sure, exactly--here's a peek at what i've been up to since yesterday:

it's the Fickle Fingers scarf of last day's post's fame. it's a lot of fun to knit and the Noro ensures that i almost nver get bored...almost.
back at it, then, i have a shawl to finish!