Progress continues on the new, free mitten pattern:

At this point, she just needs a thumb. Did I mention that the pattern is going to feature instructions on how to make these as a pair of
fingerless mittens? The gifting potential just increased tenfold! Oh, and her name is Heather, after (unsurprisingly,)
Heather. Look for the pattern on Saturday, 25 October 2008. It would be finished tomorrow night if I wasn't going to a DAVID BYRNE show.
Viva Señor Byrne!Don't forget to swing by here (or on Ravelry) on Saturday for that new pattern!
Thank you so much!
It looks like fun!
Ooooh a fingerless version!!
Hee! Knitwear named after me! I am so honoured! Should I make a speech?
What a great gift! I'm excited to see a sort of 'preview' of your other work. Even if I can't drop everything and knit mittens right now, much as I wish to.
I'm going to have to add these to my queue! Your fish mitts are at the top of my post-Christmas knitting list.
And BTW - great name ;)
I love Senor Byrne (and your Polish mittens too)! Great stuff Spilly.
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