Back to the socks! I don't want to say that the Owlsocks have burnt me out -- by no means, actually, since I have three new sock patterns in the works -- but these days I find I'm having a hard time committing to one project. Even worse than this? I have no idea what project(s) I feel like committing to.
What I should be working on is my Central Park Hoodie. So what's distracting me from sweater-finishing and new-pattern test-knitting? It's a plain old toe-up sock!
Now, I'm not a fan of pictures of toe-up socks early on (read: pre-heel turning,) since they always end up looking like over-sized wooly condoms. Here's the sock so far, hopefully not looking too wooly condom-like yet:

So here's hoping that after a plain pair of Sock Hop socks I'll be back on track with this whole commitment thing, and I'll finally be able to polish off that sweater before the 30 degree weather hits. As for the new sock patterns, you'll be notified as soon as there are any new developments. If you're really anxious, you can always join the new spillyjane fans group on Ravelry!