Ah, but no, January's unavoidable and non-skippable, which is just as well since it's NaKniMitMo. Yes, this ambitious KAL is already underway with people polishing off entire pairs of mittens despite the month being a mere three days (barely!) old.
I am especially impressed, since my knitting is still mired in its usual holiday torpor. The Feathered Friends mitten hasn't grown a stitch since you last saw it. Swedish Rococo, on the other hands, has a cuff, but that's about it:

I just wanted to send a comment your way to let you know how extrememly talented I think you are as a designer. I just bought three more of your patterns to add to my collection and need to get knitting so I can start showing them off! I am funky like you and seem to love all of your ideas. Keep em coming! You are an inspiration for my own designing efforts. If you have time, please check out my first few designs. I'm knitiot on Ravelry. Thanks and Happy New Year. (love the wreath too btw)
Your birthday is always worth of celebrating. Oops, I owe you an email.
Happy mitten knitting!
Happy birthday when it comes, Jane!
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