Snails and socks

I'm dressed for the garden and my tea's gone cold, but before I head off to deadhead the marigolds (and have more tea,) and ultimately end up back inside (knitting and listening to Melodica,) here's someone I met the other day out in my tray of sweet pea seedlings:Hello! He/She's looking at you with one beady eye-stalk! Cute!

I met another such fellow/lady last night as I was dividing a clump of Echinacea donated to my cause from my mom's back garden. I set him/her down in one of the mint patches for safe keeping. He/she can eat all the mint he/she likes, if he/she so chooses.

Plant-acquisition around here has been at an all-time high as we're finally working on landscaping the front garden. I've spent the past few days coated in a fine grime comprised mainly of dirt, sweat, sunscreen and bug spray (the latter two help the dirt stick better,) but the result is totally worth it.

Needless to say, all this gardening has cut into my knitting time. Still, I am dangerously close to finishing the (tentatively-titled) Balearique Gentlemen's Socks (which can be converted to Ladies' socks by going down a needle size. Or not, as you prefer.)When that occurs (oh, happy day!) they will depart to go live with their recipient, just in time for the summer months (my timing is impeccable.)

The pattern will be ready sooner than you think, should you be interested in acquiring a copy. I think I may actually have a wee contest with pattern giveaways to celebrate the release of this one. I'll keep you posted.

In other news, anticipation is high in these parts for the First Fall + Holiday Headstart 2010 issue of Knitty, (even more so than usual,) mainly because I have a pattern in it. You're going to want to check that one out. Don't forget!

Fancy some Mittens With Pints On?

It's been a while, but here they are:These are the long-awaited (and newly-released) Mittens With Pints On (Ravelled.) Available now, here, on Ravelry and here, in my Etsy shop (soon.)They're the ultimate accessory for that chilly pub crawl!

Also available in a fingerless version (instructions are included,) these are the perfect accessory for the beer lover in your life, whether that’s you or someone you love (or both.)

These mittens are easily sized-up, should a larger size be required.

These mittens would be an ideal first colourwork project for someone new to the technique.

...and there are Socks With Pints On in the works. Keep an eye out for those.

Today was tomorrow yesterday

I've been spending a lot of time on the porch lately, so I've been very keen on the aesthetics of the place. The space next to the door needed something, so this is what I came up with yesterday:Six containers of trailing nasturtiums (my favourite,) in both proper and found pots, on a plant stand that's been travelling with me for the past decade (previously silver, now white.) I think it really suits the space, and it makes me happy whenever I see it.

More than a handful of you will be thrilled when you hear exactly what I've been spending all that porch-knitting time, let me show you:It's the Mittens With Pints On, and I'm pleased to say that I'm frantically (well, not really,) working to meet my self-imposed deadline of finishing the test mitten TODAY. The pattern is slated to come out this Monday, 14 June 2010 (but may be out sooner,) so keep your eyes open! I'll keep you posted.

And for you sock knitters, hold on tight. That's all I'm going to say for now.

Mail call

Yesterday was an exciting mail day around here -- just look at what turned up:That's Zen Yarn Garden's Superwash Merino in Turmeric (courtesy of Adriana as part of our thrice-annual sock yarn swap,) Noro Retro in Steel Grey (which is destined to turn into Saroyan) and my beautiful new Avi Wasserman spindle (with a gorgeous Mulberry whorl that shines like golden fish scales when light strikes it.)

As you can see, my current favourite colours are much in evidence. I can't help but think that something around here is inspiring these cravings...

How now!

Irontail and Snugglebunny meet their new neighbour......Bubo.

I think they'll get along like a house on fire.

Meanwhile, out in the back garden......we have baby peppers. Delicious!