
I had just wandered downstairs for my next cup of tea when my gaze fell on the packets of poppy seeds lying on the buffet. Next thing I knew I was out in the middle of my William Blake garden. Next thing I knew I was in then out, then back in the middle of my William Blake garden, beloved ho-mi in hand, hacking errant weeds into oblivion with what some might term "terrifying" fervour.I have been told that I am a sight to see while weeding. I can hardly vouch for this myself, since, when thusly engaged, I enter a state comparable to that of battle frenzy. All the symptoms are there - the red veil of rage clouds my vision; my senses (and hacking ability) are heightened; I become one with the ho-mi and the world is reduced to WEAPON and WEEDS. Justice is meted out upon the leafy interlopers and the root veggies and salad greens FLY. It is both extremely satisfying and cathartic.It is in such moments of frenzy that my mind is truly allowed to wander. It is in such moments that my thoughts return to this, my poor neglected blog.And so, Nice People, my point is this - I have a bit of a backlog to work through, but I fully expect to be up to speed in no time. I do hope you'll join me for the ride.


knittingsouth said...

Great I look forward to re-joining you.

Anonymous said...

I'm desperate to know what's planted in a William Blake garden. Plants mentioned in his works? Was he also a gardener?

Marilyn said...

I would not want to be a weed (uninvited plant) in your garden!

Anonymous said...

I now seriously want a ho-mi of my own. Looking forward to the future garden updates!