In any event, the building in question is Detroit's Art Deco masterpiece, the Guardian Building. Built in 1928, it is a remarkable building and the jewel of the Detroit skyline...and now it's been immortalized as a Latvian-style colourwork mitten.

The pattern should be out any time now, and it will include instructions detailing how to knit these as fingerless gloves (handy for those who are also in love with the cuff motif,) as well as an alternate (but equally Art Deco) colourway for those who don't want to sport the exact colours of the actual building on their hands (yes, I do understand that not everyone wants to look like a building from the 1920s.)
Taking something huge, public, gorgeous and built of brick and tile 80 years ago and turning it into something small, wearable, gorgeous and made of wool in 2008 -- that's how I roll.
They look amazing! You are so clever.
So cool! As a native Detroiter (and someone who passes close by on my way to Wayne State), I appreciate your lovely design.
Wow! I love these mittens! There are so many mitten patterns I want to make. I also love the picture of the building. Yes, the building and the mittens go well together! When will the pattern be available?
As former detroiter & WSU alum, I add my kudos to you. We have so many awesome spaces there. It's awesome to see it in fiber
You are amazing in creating those mittens - fantastic design.
I'm sorry, but I'm just in awe of the fact that the pattern on the thumb matches and blends into the pattern on the palm. I'm totally geeking out about it! You rock!
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