Allow me to begin by saying "thanks!" for all the lovely birthday wishes. It's a good feeling to know that there are nice people out there who care enough to, thanks!
Now look at this mitten:

I'm about 2" in to the 3 1/2" inches of ribbing prescribed by the pattern. Somehow, it is going
impossibly slow. I'm almost out of the woods, though, and that's about the only thing that's keeping me from giving up on the whole thing. I have bad news for you, mitten: unless you happen to have the good fortune of being finished within the next little while (which, luckily for you, is a distinct possibility.) Yes, you will be abandoned and the production of your mate might not occur for some time. No, it's not your fault. Things are
happening around here mitten. Big knitterly things.
Wonderfully big and social knitterly things! This is because in the next little while I'll be making the trip north to join
Heather and
Adriana, at which point I will cast on for my first sweater, the ever-popular
Central Park Hoodie.
Now, this is an Event in and of itself -- those of you who know me (or at least know my knitting habits) are probably aware that my introduction to sweater-knitting is long overdue. So overdue, in fact, that last June
Heather actually shoved a bag of wool at me in a valiant attempt to get me going. Strangely enough, it didn't take then, but now...O! now...
Now I'm lining up sweaters that I want to make. I want the
Wanderlust Hoodie (scroll down) sans bobbles and
Hooded Pullover from the Fall 2008 issue of Vogue Knitting. I have even been thinking of finally attempting
Sweet Mary Jane with that laceweight that I bought so long ago (
years ago, now!) for that very purpose.
It's as if a whole new corner of the knitting world has just opened before me (which I suppose it has, really, and it's one of the biggest "corners" out there, too.) I can't wait to dive in.