My back garden, while a good size, is relatively wee. This is why I can't have every historic rose bush or collect every variety of daylily just because they are orange and pretty. It's a fact - sad, but true.

If Nature has one lesson to teach me (in truth, she has
many,) it's that
size doesn't matter. My modest urban back garden attracts an inordinate amount of wildlife, which I absolutely love. It just goes to show - if you plant it, they will come - especially if they are hungry.

That said, the sunflowers are proving to be a big hit with the local fauna, and not just with members of the squirrel population. I popped outside just now in time to see a darling little yellow warbler flitting among their branches. And just look who came to visit the other day - monarchs!

Gorgeous, orange Monarch Butterflies in search of nectar to fuel them on their incredible journey to Mexico.

I just happen to live on the way to one of their favourite pre-migration staging grounds -
Point Pelee, the southernmost point of mainland Canada.

And just when I thought my sunflowers couldn't get any prettier! I had no idea that the Monarchs love them, too.
wow! those are some beautiful shots. the only butterflies we get in our garden are little white ones.
Gorgeous photos.
Mom and Dad had no Monarchs this year, which is unusual. They usually hang out together in our trees like so:
Lovely garden and gorgeous sunflowers!
Lovely Garden; I live in an apartment so the closeset I get to Flowers is on my Fire-escape Window. (off to the side)It's a small fern Tree which used to have Daffodills growing there too; but they're gone for the Winter.
Am I the only one who's seeing socks with sunflowers and monarchs on??
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