This may be news to some of you, but to others not - in any event I will cut to the chase -
yes, there is a book in the works. My own book, full of my own patterns, that you will be able to buy wherever it is that you like to buy books.

I don't think I ever properly announced this impending bookdom, as it began humbly as a couple of idle tweets between
Shannon and myself on a sultry morning this past July. Which is why I found myself speeding down to Cleveland on a similarly sultry morning this past August.

Once I found my way into knitgrrl studios, Shannon and I sat down and started talking
BOOK. Imagine my surprise when I noticed that this conversation was taking place
almost ten years to the day that I had similarly sat across from a woman behind a desk and had...well, the exact opposite of this conversation. It's funny how history twists, turns, repeats itself...and provides. Had you told me ten years ago about where I'd be now I wouldn't believe you.

And, you know, while I want to say "I wouldn't change a thing," that's not exactly true. What I do know is that I like where I'm at and I like Shannon A LOT better than that other lady - we share a comparably inappropriate sense of humour, for instance...

...and the sarcasm. Mustn't forget the sarcasm.
But yes,
BOOK! Will keep you all posted as details become available that I am able to share.