A week ago today I was touring Canterbury (more on that later.) I had just sat down for a cup of tea and a quick email-peek when I got word from Jared that Wool People 2 was going to be released the day after tomorrow (last Wednesday.) As that was my Travel Day Home, this gave me something to look forward to - I have a (mitten!) pattern in Wool People 2 - the lovely (if I may say so) Art Deco subway grating-inspired 34th & 8th mittens.

The other bit of news that went down while I was away - also on last Wednesday, if I am not mistaken - was that registration opened up for the 7th annual installement of the Blue Moon Fiber Arts Rockin' Sock Club. And yes, I am pleased to announce that I am one of the designers on this year's roster. I can hardly believe it myself.
What else - oh yes. All the Loose Ends that I tied up before I flew away are now allowing me to tie up even MORE naughty loose ends now that I am back - which means more new SJK patterns for you Nice People. The GandeyMitts are due to sneak out at some point in the very near future, as are the new and, more-importantly, FREE gentleman's Athleisure socks. You will be notified.
Finally, for those of you who enjoyed my triad of posts that resulted from my last trip overseas, you will be pleased to know that I have a swathe of writings to share with you from this most recent one. Soon.
Those ARE lovely! There are more mittens and gloves around these days that I want to knit than I will ever finish!
I *love* the 34th&8th mitts. They totally stood out when I first glanced through wool people II, and then I was even more excited to see your name behind it :-)
The new mittens are lovely, Jane. I'm glad to hear you liked London. And your impressions strike a chord: to my European mind, North America seems always a little bit dreamlike. Things are similar to home (which, for me, is Poland), but always somewhat different, in quite unexpected ways, which is charming, a tad uncanny, sometimes frustrating, but always very interesting.
I noticed on your ravelry design page that the Squirrel Mittens are now a pattern - but how will they be available? I would love to knit a pair, they make me smile everytime I look at the picture of your pair.
Love these! As always, another home run.
Good job! I saw them and loved them immediately. I am actually just waiting on my yarn to arrive to get started! You are so talented and everytime I wear my OTHER pair of mittens you designed, I'm proud to tell everyone that a canadian designed them! :)
That's fantastic! I can't wait to see all the projects on Ravelry in different colors. My wife is most certainly going to request a pair.
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