The best part about living in a Century Home (aside from the large windows, antique woodwork and deliciously creaky stairs,) is the fact that the edifice has had 100 years to settle upon its foundations. This means that there is a distinct lack of potentially creepy house-noises that remain to be made. Of course, the other side of this coin is that when noises do happen they're about three times creepier than they should be. It's a bit of a trade-off.

Another good thing is the knowledge that (and this is especially useful when watching particularly dark storm clouds rolling in,) the house has seen more (and worse) weather than one has and has continued to stand through it all. This is a comforting thought to think when one is returing from a weekend abroad and hoping that one will find the house and not a smoking house-shaped hole where it once stood. So far, so good.

And one can't help but wonder what the house would say (if it could speak in a conventional sense,) about all the vintage fixtures and renovations that one is inflicting upon it. Is it enjoying this return to the 1930s around its kitchen and bathrooms or is it saying "Oh no, not one of those again!" Does it even matter if it is? When one loves one's house the house can tell. One is sure of it.

Today I am sure of one thing: if the buds on my lemon tree don't burst soon, I'm going to.

Oh I love old houses...I so miss ours...
my old house (well, it's converted into two flats, so my flat) is old and creaky and the floors are uneven, but it leads to cat toys rolling further, which makes the cats happy. and all the personality!! Your lemon tree looks amazing- if you end up with lemon, I'm going to have to get one too, once I know for sure they can be grown easily indoors in northern climes.
I used to live in an old house too, and I miss it very much. There is no soul in the apartment we live in now....
Your lemon tree will look amazing when the buds burst :))
Your cockatiel napping, absolutely delightful!
We're renovating our 100-year old house and found newspapers from 1954 insulating the downstairs bathroom walls (and no insulation along the outside kitchen wall - in Canada!)Ours has settled a bit too much, so we've got some lifting to do this weekend. Can't wait to see what we'll find next!
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