I'm sure you all remember
the sneaky peek I offered the other day of Juanita, the Official Mitten of
NaKniMitMo 2011? Well, after hours of intense discussion and deliberation my Assistant and I have determined that we shall permit another wee peek at this Mitten of Mystery.

My Assistant, as you can see, is currently hard at work up in the Stu-gee-oh, ensuring that no yarn goes unnibbled.
In any event, on to that wee peek. I give you
the thumb:

I love this thumb, probably more than a thumb warrants being loved. It is unlike any other thumb I have ever worked before and I strongly suspect that it is destined to crop up again. Of course, you realize that I'm speaking more of
texture, rather than
structure. Don't expect any revolutionary construction techniques or other potentially nasty surprises. We're all about
keeping it simple, folks -- simple, but never
We could never abide that.
Your assistant looks extremely helpful!
Looking at your assistant all I can think is what a lovely color combination he/she would make for a pair of mittens. Pointed yellow shapes, round orange shapes, white stripes, pinky gray body...just saying... :)
I'm thinking I'm going to be jumping on the Mitten Wagon come January...and you're right, that thumb is a rather nifty bit of texture...would those be YOs in there?
That IS an elegant thumb-- Our thumbs should be so lucky! Can't wait to see it finished!
Which reminds me-- MUST cast on your Owl Mitts! Finally, I have my right hand/left hand knitting coordination down. ;-)
And tell your assistant-- he's doing an excellent nibbling job!
Your mittens are beautiful and so is your assistant!!! :)
My assistant is a budgie. :D
i've made you assistant and offer. better pay. shorter hours. she's soon to be my assistant.
Dude -- Pookie's all man.
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