It's not every day that a very cool Chinese avant-electronic duo turns up commissioning handknits. As a Buddha Machine enthusiast myself, how could I refuse?

If you'd like to experience the lo-fi joy of the Buddha Machine for yourself, as they say, there's an app for that. It's well-worth the dollar price tag to have an infinite amount of music at one's fingertips.
I'm so intrigued by the Buddha Machine; I've never heard of it before.
That sock is looking super cute!
Thank you! You should really look into the Buddha Machine -- it really is a fascinating and indispensible device.
Love the Buddha Machine!!!! Can you download your own music choices to it as well as listen to their ambient tunes?
The socks are looking very buddha machine-like. :)
VdV -- I'm happy to hear it! Glad you like the socks, as well.
The beauty of the Buddha Machine is that it comes pre-loaded with (in the case if the first two versions,) nine ambient loops or (when it comes to version three, called Chan Fang,) four classical loops. You don't need to add anything at all! It's all there -- a perfect, self-contained lo-tech anti-iPod.
Now, the magic really happens when you get two or more Buddhas in the same room...
Deb -- Thank you! Here is a list of places to buy them. I ordered mine from Insound.
Just when I thought I couldn't love you any more than I already do, now you are turning knitters on to FM3 and the Buddha machine - ah the possibilities are endless! :)
So creative and such excellent work!
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