Lovely parcels have been wafting my way all this week, which is no great surprise as my birthday's this Sunday. I could get used to this.

And I have a little something for you as well: everyone who sends a picture of their finished pair of Camilla mittens to spillyjaneknits{at}gmail{dot}com between now and February 28 2011 will receive one free SpillyJane Knits pattern of their choice. I am not making this up.
There are myraid other delights in the works, including a couple of very cool collaborations. One of these is with Chinese avant-electronic duo FM3, creators of the Buddha Machine. I am not making this up, either.

When I think of the places that I've taken knitting (or should that be where knitting has taken me?) It's remarkable, really.
What a great giveaway! I'm starting making Camilla's. Thank you! Cheers!
Wow, that is very generous of you. I wish I had the time to knit Camilla, but since I don't... Oh well! =] Happy early birthday!
Happy Birthday!!! Thank you so much for the giveaway, this gives me a wonderful excuse to make the Camillas sooner than planned!
Aquarius eh? I can see that. You definitely march to the beat of your own drummer, and you have the quirkiness thing goin on. Aquarians always look like normal people but will usually have some little quirk that pegs them as aquarius, like wild earrings or colorful socks... or mittens....yep, you definitely have the aura of aquarius about you. Aquarians are the bomb! May you have the happiest of happy birthdays!
Happy Birthday my fellow Aquarius. I just turned the big 3-0! Your mittens are in my queue but I certainly won't have time before spring. Good luck to everyone else knitting mittens. I hope there's a photo montage at the end.
Oh man, I hope you're ready for an onslaught of Camilla photos!
Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday! I think I'm in on the Camillas -- I can't wait to get my hands on the Cupckake Mittens pattern. Mmmmmmmmm!
Kelly @ Creating a Family Home
Happy birthday to another fellow Aquarian. We are definitely da bomb. :)
Don't know if I'll get to the mittens ... this time.
Have a great weekend. And enjoy the books!
What a great contest! I'm in (I wanted to kit thee mitten anyway... Now I just have to commit to the deadline!).
Early happy birthday!
Question: My 5 year old daughter has been asking for a pair of mittens for a couple months now. This is a beautiful pattern I think she would love. Does the completed pair still count for the contest if I shortened them a little to fit her teeny hands?
And: Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday!
I'm in Texas (it is 66 and sunny outside). Is it ok if I make the fingerless version?
Love your work! :)
- Katie
happy birthday!!! Great giveaway. Don't know if I'll get a pair done; but what a great opportunity. Will you be telling us more about that little speaker box?
Goodness - quietly and steathily poking Gnome mittens into (short!) hibernation. Casting on Camilla's.
Oh boy, I'm so excited for this. I just hope I can make the deadline!
Gee could you run this again in a year, give me time to learn/master this technique... I'm always a late comer to everythin; knitting, X-files, The "Friends" hair styloe, more recently Posh Spice hair doo.......sigh.
Cast-on for Camilla yesterday and now about 40% done with the first...such a great design emerging. Quick question, though: in the instructions for the thumb, it says to pick up 10 stitches on top and 10 on bottom of waste yarn, but then your stitch count you give is 24 stitches...am I missing 4 stitches somewhere or is this an oopsie?
Thanks! Can't wait to get these done and get some use out of them before the weather warms up. I think you've managed to create a SpillyJane pattern addict out of me! :)
I have printed the pattern. Will look for yarn this afternoon. Can't wait to get started!
Happy Birthday!!! I hope to make at least the fingerless mittens--love a challenge! It's a busy time of the year, though!!!
My favorite of your patterns is Cupcake!!! Love that one!!!
I'm in! I love these mittens and had already planned on knitting them. Can't wait to send in a photo and choose a new pattern too! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I'm in! I love these mittens and had already planned on knitting them. Can't wait to send in a photo and choose a new pattern too! Thanks for the giveaway opportunity!
I am so excited to get started on the mitts. Would fingerless mitts still make it? Beautiful pattern and very generous of you. Hope your birthday was wonderful.
I don't know if I can finish for the deadline, but I would love to make these in the fingerless version.
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