At home with tea and Pookie.Check out those drumsticks!
Working on Things that I'm supposed to be doing: ...and Things that I'm (technically) not: And yes, there is the odd New Thing around here:...of which there isn't much to show just yet. That will be changing soon.
Hey there! I just found your Gnome Mitten on ravelry and immediately 1) began following your blog 2) ordered yarn 3) cast on! I am excited to see what is going to become of the greenish blue yarn project you have started.
oh yay! Someone else with a bird who likes tea! My silly bird burned his toes in my tea a few months back and is now mad at my tea mugs. I pointed out that I had warned him that the tea was hot and he would be much better off drinking it off the spoon as I cooled it, and he didn't that answer. :)
ooey gooey -- Nice to meet you and glad you like the gnomes! More will be revealed soon...
Ebonraven -- I think Pookie likes nibbling on the mug more than he does drinking the tea. Sorry to hear about your critter's mishap. They do tend to hold a grudge.
Lynneth -- Sure thing! Feel free to email me at spillyjaneknits [at] gmail [dot] com. Always happy to chat about mineral specimens.
So mysterious- love it :)
I would be forever in your debt if you could point me to where you got that tea cup in the top picture. Its so roundy and blobby. I lurve it! =)
Can't wait to see what falls off the sticks currently holding the blue yarn!
FPK -- Thanks so much!
Liberty's -- With pleasure! Right this way. They are the only mugs I use and I love them.
Tamara -- I hope that you'll like them. I fear they are getting a bit silly. You'll see.
Jane does silly in the best possible way.
What's the blue stone in the last picture?
Dee -- Thank you!
Lynneth -- That's my piece of sodalite which is one of my constant companions.
Hey there! I just found your Gnome Mitten on ravelry and immediately 1) began following your blog 2) ordered yarn 3) cast on! I am excited to see what is going to become of the greenish blue yarn project you have started.
oh yay! Someone else with a bird who likes tea! My silly bird burned his toes in my tea a few months back and is now mad at my tea mugs. I pointed out that I had warned him that the tea was hot and he would be much better off drinking it off the spoon as I cooled it, and he didn't that answer. :)
Thanks. Do you have an email address that I could use to email you to ask more questions about the sodalite? :)
ooey gooey -- Nice to meet you and glad you like the gnomes! More will be revealed soon...
Ebonraven -- I think Pookie likes nibbling on the mug more than he does drinking the tea. Sorry to hear about your critter's mishap. They do tend to hold a grudge.
Lynneth -- Sure thing! Feel free to email me at spillyjaneknits [at] gmail [dot] com. Always happy to chat about mineral specimens.
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