Last winter I found out that she knew who I was and that she liked what I did. In March I heard her read and got to meet her (she snuck up on me.) And now this.
Thank you, Steph. I'm already lining up a slew of nice pubs to take you to the next time you're in town.
So, to all the newcomers and the oldcomers and to those who have known me since before the beginning began, Welcome. Let's see what's around the bend, shall we?
YAY YOU!!! so proud of you and happy for you! :)
I was so excited for you when I read your post!
Very cool! The Mittens With Pints On would be a perfect knit for my husband. The socks would, too. And the flamingo mittens would be perfect for my sister-in-law.
Your designs are gorgeous and the beer mittens remind me of some of Rennie Mackintosh's designs or other Arts & Crafts designs. Very clean lines.
Way to go! I'll go read her post right away! I'm crazy about your mittens too! One day, I'll knit them (espacially the Gnome mittens!)
I'm glad she had the post or I might have never seen your awesome mitts.
Yep, I'm a newcomer to your blog because of that post. Have added you to my blog list as I'm sure tons of others have done. Hang on to your mittens, I suspect things are going to start getting busy!
Love those mittens, so glad to have found you.
thanks for sharing your patterns! I hope as a less-experienced knitter I can kick out a few :)
Congrats! My bragging rights to the Harlot was a personal email from her. I printed it and added it to my journal. And,yes, she is the reason I am now a fan of your blog! ;)
I just came to your site from the Yarn Harlot.
She is right. Your mittens are awesome. I will have to become a better knitter so I can make some of your mittens too.
I read you both and was so excited to see you held in such high regard by The Harlot. What fun!
Hey, I knew (about) you when...Congratulations for your mention on the Yarn Harlot! What a rave!
I'm so glad she mentioned you, too!!! That's how I got to your site and I LOVE your designs!!!!
When I read the harlot's post about you, I cheered. I'm so happy you got the recognition for your lovely mittens!
I've been a longtime fan of yours, and I was so happy to see the Harlot's post about you! Congrats on your newfound fame! You deserve it!
I found you from the post on Yarn Harlot so I am one of the new fans. I love your mittens..and had to order 3 of your patterns right away..can hardly wait to cast on for the feathered friends mittens. Your stuff is awesome...I can see why STephanie is obsessed!!!!Congrats!
Penguins? Think you want to design some penguin mittens? Please? I adore your work!
Newcomer here! Your mitts are GORGEOUS! I'm so glad Stephanie posted that entry.
I just learned of you recently from a podcast by Knitpicks (I believe) and now you are mentioned on the yarn harlot. That's something else, isn't it? You deserve it, of course. Your designs are just smashing.
I was so tickled for you when I saw Stephanie's post!
My intro to SPILLYJANE! has come via the YarnHarlot, my curiosity piqued via the beer mittens, and knowledge of flamingo mittens via comments here. I'm almost afraid to keep reading.
Congrats on the Harlot mention.
Congrats to you! A well deserved light upon your wonderful designs.
Congrats on the "Yarn Harlot" mention. I hope you & your server are prepared for what comes your way after she talked about being obsessed with your mittens. ;)
I am so excited about your patterns. I plan to mention them at my next knit group meeting. (and of course make a few pair myself)
Hurrah for you. I love your mittens too. I always knew the harlot had great taste.
I was so delighted to find your website from Ms. McPhees link. Love your designs.
Congratulations!!! You design fantastic mittens and we love your involvement with NaKniMitMo. Thank you for all the wonderful patterns, past and future!
Haha, thanks for the welcome. I've been following the Harlot myself for a little around a year and it was her post yesterday which lead me to your blog. I love your work! It's amazing! Thanks for the welcome!
Newbie here, too. But if the Yarn Harlot likes the mittens, well ... :)
BTW, love, love, love your new chairs. :)
Hi. I, too, found your blog thanks to the Yarn Harlot. LOVE your stuff. I aspire to do your kind of knitting. I especially am enchanted :) by the gnome socks/mittens. Actually, I am smitten with them.
Take care
Congrats! I was reading the Yarn Harlot post late last night on my Blackberry when I couldn't sleep. I clicked on the spillyjane link and WOW! - instantly smitten with your mittens and your blog. Love your designs and your fun way with words! I Will be following you and am more determined than ever to knit my first pair of mittens and keep on goin! Thanks for the blog and the incredible designs - just love them! Any advice on what mitten pattern to try as my first mitten??
Just read it. What a nice post on you. That rocks!
I am new and I just bought two patterns: gnome mittens and beer socks. I know that Stephanie Pearl-McPhee can bring a huge amount of attention to patterns and/or designers, but I believe she always sends her readers in a good direction. I am delighted to have found your patterns, and I hope a jillion others find them also!
I read her column and thought it was so nice! Congratulations, you are a fabulous designer! Which reminds me, if I haven't already favorited you on Ravelry, I need to do that.
Congratulations - but it was well deserved! I love your designs, your attention to detail and the variation. (Like how elegant the Isadora mittens and how fun the flamingo mittens are.)
I didn't know you had a blog before I read her post. I've been studiously going through all your posts for the past few days now, and I love them. Of course I knew your stuff from Ravelry and KnitPicks, but I'm so excited to have been directed to your blog as well. :)
I just found your blog from raverly? maybe? I can't remember, I read a lot of blogs. But I have to agree with the harlot, your patterns are very addicting. I have never knit anything involving stranded colorwork but I can't stop thinking about your mittens and have even gone through my stash to see what colors I have :) and am now about to search your patterns...
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