My expedition to London is rapidly approaching, and I've got it into my head that I simply can not travel overseas without an excess of murky-coloured knits. It's a
trousseau of sorts and lately it has been largely populated by neckwear. I intend to spend much of my trip outdoors so this seems appropriate.
This is all that remains of the four skeins of my beloved Noro Retro:

mainly because the rest has been
turned into this:

It might really be one of the most beautiful things I've ever produced. The patten is
Saroyan, a simple, gorgeous and wonderfully versatile free pattern. Combined with the Noro Retro's subtle variations in colour and texture one ends up with something very close to the perfect scarf.
This week's project currently looks more like a
nudibranch than a shawlette:

and my working name for it is "Miss Anne Elk." Bonus points to the ones who can tell me why.
Ahh thats right! Your in London just before me and a co-worker is going over as well two weeks before I do in March...Enjoy yourself. I know I will!
I'm making sure there is plenty to knit on the plane because it's a long flight over and back and I'm actually afraid they may take my metal you think this will be a problem?
Because you have a theory? Is it little at one end and then big in the middle and then little at the other end?
I knitted Saroyan for someone in a solid teal and I can attest that it is a beautiful pattern. I may have to try it in a multicolor the next time because your scarf is gorgeous.
Judith -- Brilliant! You got it.
Ms. Kimba -- I don't think that the metal needles will be a problem. I'm sure they'll only want to know that you intend to knit with them and aren't just bringing them along to poke people.
Beverly -- Thak you! I would love to see this scarf in teal.
I know who Miss Ann Elk was: a character played by John Cleese in a Monty Python sketch. She was being interviewed by Graham Chapman about her theory on brontosaurus. (I had to go to YouTube for the bit about Chapman and brontosaurus, but I remembered her name and John Cleese). Now, as to why you have named a nudibranch-resembling scarf beginnings with that name I have no idea. It doesn't look like a brontosaurus to me :-)
Your Saroyan is lovely in Noro Retro. It is a very versatile pattern. I'd really like to make it in some recycle cotton. But that's a project for much, much later ... :)
Enjoy London! It's one of the best places in the world.
Gawd, I LOVE all things Python!
And that Saroyan scarf is gorgeous! Thanks for the pattern-linky!
that Saroyan... has been on my list like FOREVER...
yours is stunning...
I love that silvery grey color! Your scarf is just gorgeous.
We were chatting about needles on planes at my knitting group last week. The consensus seems to be that if there is actually a project on the needles then you should be fine, although some people have had trouble with spare sets of needles in hand luggage. Have a safe trip and a wonderful time in London!
is the Anne Elk reference a word play on "an elk", referring to the brown color? My name being Anne, I'm used to suddenly jump up thinking somebody is talking to me when uttering a sentene with ... an ....!
I travel a lot and have had my share of issues with metal needles - recommend wood or bamboo and I take them out o my bag like the liquids so that I not appear to be hiding them - works like a charm (leaving US i never had issue but sometimes coming back)
Love your mittens! Have fun in London! Oh - and even though I have a gmail account - I live in Rio de Janeiro, so you can add a Brazilian flag to your collection. :-)
Blessings from Rio,
Love your mittens! Have fun in London! Oh - and even though I have a gmail account - I live in Rio de Janeiro, so you can add a Brazilian flag to your collection. :-)
Blessings from Rio,
Love your Saroyan and the color/yarn!
I'm so glad you posted this! I started knitting Saroyan a little while after reading this entry. I'm not very adept at knitting lace but I am loving this project! I started the middle section last night, it's just flying off the needles! Thanks.
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