...or, at the very least - new
to me. There have been lots of new acquisitions around here of late.
This, for instance, appeared on my doorstep late last week (blessedly before Canada Post decided to strike):

These lovely skeins of fingering-weight were generously sent to me by Stephanie of
Dirty Water DyeWorks. Thank you so much Stephanie! I knew I was in love as soon as I saw colourways named "Pumice" and "Pompeii Red." Something Roman is bound to come out of those two.
A quick jaunt to my mum's house found me leaving (quite unexpectedly, too) with several antique and vintage objects. First off, these delightful
RCA Nipper dog salt and pepper shakers:

Next up is a vintage glass lemon reamer (with holes to let the juice through but catch the seeds):

Rounding out the trio is this lovely Depression glass sugar and creamer set. The pattern is Madrid and whether or not they
are reproductions - I checked and I'd like to think that they aren't - they are still golden and pretty.

Of all these New (to me) Things, this one is by far the most delicious. I know that one can not - and should never - judge a cheese by its wrapper, but I could not resist when I saw the packaging on this domestic

Luckily the cheese on the inside was just as charming as the mid-century monk on the outside. A creamy, semi-soft affair, we offered it up as a snackrifice this past Saturday night on Anna's patio. That same evening I enjoyed my Annual Glass of Wine. It should feel odd to say that, but it doesn't - now
that's odd.
And finally, a treat for all of you Flamingo enthusiasts:

It may not look like much now, but this is the cuff of the
Flamingo Socks - the sock-equivalent of my
Flamingo Mittens. Yes, it is on the way - it should be here shortly, in fact.
pretty colors! Can't wait to see the finished flamingoes.
What gorgeous new trinkets! And I think in this case it is fair to judge a cheese by its cover - any company which takes that much pride in their packaging clearly takes pride in all their work.
I love that cheese cover as well, and probably would have done as you did and bought the stuff!
I also love your citrus reamer!!!! I covet it. :)
Let's hope your Canadian postal strike doesn't last too long. How will you receive all those awesome fibery packages if it does?
Nice! I have a juicer just like that. Well, to be precise, mine has a big chip on the bottom. Congratulations on your new acquisitions!
Dirty Water Dye Works is the BEST! I love her stuff! Can't wait to see what you make with it...
Yea! Flamingo Socks! I've been waiting for them.
Florida Knitter
P.S. What beautiful photos of neat little treasures.
Oh, what a wonderful collection of goodies. Yarn, family heirlooms and yummy cheese to keep you energized while you knit up a new treat for us!
Yay, for flamingo mittens!
Mingo socks! I can hardly contain myself!
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